Search for: leave leave: How to apply SEDHR online leave?

In Punjab, Pakistan there are different government school and it is very difficult to manage data of each employee using manual system. For this reason, there is system which is school education department human resources and reason for this system is to manage different tasks as this system stores data of each employee, it allows employees to apply for online leave and it also helps in payments of employees. In this blog, we will discuss features of leave and we will also discuss what are different types of leaves and how to apply for leaves.

What is sedhr hrms?

SEDHR stands for school education department human resource and their HRMS is human resource management system which is online platform and this platform is used for managing different types of issues related to education sector which people face in Punjab. This system is designed for different tasks related to education such as it can store employee data, it can handle leave applications, it can help with issues related to payment and it also calculates performance of teachers. Reason for hrms sedhr punjab gov pk is to solve errors because when you type data manually on paper you can get many errors but sedhr hrms reduce all these errors as you can easily store data and apply for applications using this system. hrms is online platform which is used to store all data of teachers in Punjab and this tool is just like online portal which students use. Teacher can easily apply for leaves and check their employment history using this tool. It can only reduce errors but it also saves time and effort as employees do not need to call management and hacek for dates if they want to apply for leaves because they can easily see dates using hrms sedhr punjab gov pk and they can apply for leaves online.

What is leave? leave is online tool that allows teachers from Punjab to apply for leaves just using this tool and without visiting management offices. It was become very difficult for hrms sedhr to manage data of employees using manual system and for this reason they have designed this online feature so that teachers can easily apply for online leave without physical appearance and without submitting papers to management office. In this way, they can easily apply for hrms online leave using this system and this system store records of each employee so that there should be no confusion and errors as their system shows how many leaves are remaining for each employee.

Different types of leaves?

To apply for leave on hrms punjab for teachers it is very important to understand nature of leaves because provides different options for leave and following are some types of leaves that this system provide to help teachers:

  • Casual leave: This type of leave is applied for personal reasons or urgent work and this leave is granted without any verificаtions and documentation. Reason for this leave is that there are many teachers who face emergencies or they have urgent work or any event in family so they can easily apply for this leave.
  • Earned leave: This is type of leave which cannot be applied by employees but it is given by management and it can be because of many reasons such as good performance of employee or some employees have spent so much time without any vacations or leave so it is given by management as a reward.
  • Maternity leave: This type of leave is only for women and these leaves are applied before child birth or it can be applied after child birth and this leave goes up to several months.
  • Paternity leave: This type of leave is only for men and it is applied during child birth so that men can support their partner and take care of their family.
  • Hajj and Umrah leave: Sedhr Punjab gov also provides facility for religious activity and if you are going for Hajj or Umrah then you can easily apply for these leaves and Hajj leave is granted once in lifetime and you can apply for Umrah same as Hajj but is much shorter leave as compared to Hajj.
  • Iddat leave: This type of leave is for only those women who have lost their husbands and they want to spend their time in iddat, then they can easily take this leave from online portal.
  • Medical leave: Hrms leave also provides facility for medical leaves for those employees who are ill or who need medical treatments. Many employees face different issues related to their health or in case of road accident, they can easily apply for this leave.
Types of leaveReason
Casual leaveIt can be applied for personal reasons or urgent work.
Earned leaveIt is type of leave which is given by management because of your good performance.
Maternity leaveThis leave is for female and it can be applied during or after child birth.
Paternity leaveThis leave is for men and it can be applied during childbirth so that men can take care of their family.
Hajj and Umrah leaveThis type of leave is applied for those people who want to perform religious activity.
Iddat leaveThis type of leave is for those female who have lost their husband.
Medical leaveThis type of leave is for those employee who have medical emergencies or who are medical checkups.

How to apply for sedhr hrms online leave?

To apply for sedhr hrms online leave you have to follow some important steps as this online portal is very simple and easy to use you just have to submit sedhr punjab gov pk leave application so that you can easily apply for your leave. Following are some important steps if you want to apply for leave using leave online portal system:

  1. For hrms leave apply online, first step is that you need to visit their website and for this reason, you need to search hrms login so that you can easily access their website and you can login your portal.
  2. After that, you need to login your portal and for this reason, you need to type in your username and password and it is very important that you should only use username and password which is provided by your administration. After username and password, you need to select your role and here you can see different options such as teaching staff, non-teaching staff and many more.
  3. After that, you need to search request leave option and you can easily find that option in menu bar and you need to open this option so that you can apply for your leave and then you will see some important rules and it is very important to read these rules before applying.
  4. Then, you need to fill out your application and you need to click on apply for leave so that you can easily apply for leave on hrms punjab for teachers and then you need to enter some information like what type of leave you want to apply for and you need to provide your start and end date also. In this way, you can easily apply for online leave using sedhr punjab leave system without wasting time.

Criteria for leave application

You can easily apply for online leave using hrms login but it is very important to understand rules and criteria before applying for leave because some employee applies for leave without knowing the criteria and this is why their leave does not get approved. First you have to check eligibility and for this reason, you need to access your account using your email and password so that sedhr system can store your data.

After that, you need to select types of leave which you want because many employees apply wrong category and their leave did not get approved and then you need to check if you have eligibility because if you have taken this leave already then your leave might not be approved as you do not have enough leaves left in your leave balance. This are simple criteria for leave application that you should know first how many leaves are left and then apply for your leave and if you have followed these criteria and you have submitted your application, then your supervisor will review your leave and you will be notified as soon as your leave will be reviewed.

How to apply for jobs using sedhr hrms?

If you want to apply for job using this online platform then you can easily apply for any department and for this reason, you need to search www schools punjab gov pk jobs apply online so that you can open their platform and you can easily apply for any online jobs which you want. After opening sedhr hrms punjab education department you need to search online application and you can easily find that in their job portal.

It is very important to see dates of job before applying because they only provide vacancies for specific dates and if your date has been missed then you should wait for next opportunity and for applying for job you need to submit your documents such as your master degree, your experience and your age and position on which you want to apply.

You can apply for different positions based on your experience and your selection will be on the basis of your interview because once your documents are verified you will receive confirmation call from management and they will provide your date and venue for interview so that you can give your interview and your selection will be done on the basis of that interview.


In this blog, we have discussed leave system as SEDHR stands for school education department human resource and reason for this online platform is to help different employees who are facing different issues. This online platform has different key features such as it stores data of employees, it measures performance of teacher and one of the most important key features of this platform is that it allows employee to apply for online leave.

There are different types of leaves which employees can take and we have discussed all these leaves in this blog. It is very simple to apply for any leave as there are only few steps which we have discussed if you want to apply for online leave and it is very important to follow the rules and criteria if you want to apply for online leaves using sedhr hrms platform. We have also discussed some other key features of this online system such a you can also apply for online jobs related to hrms punjab education department and you can easily apply for any job by submitting some important documents.

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